Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Info Litbang
Divisi Penelitian dan Pengembangan bertugas menjalankan visi serta mengejawantahkan misi RSJPD Harapan Kita di bidang riset, seperti umumnya institusi kardiovaskular kelas dunia. Pada tahun 2015 terdaftar 34 judul penelitian baru yang dilaksanakan oleh Staf medik, peserta program PPDS, karyawan serta peneliti tamu, baik berupa penelitian translasional, observasional, hingga uji klinis. Salah satu fokus penelitian unggulan yang berlangsung adalah pengembangan terapi sel punca (stem cell) yang bersumber dari sumsum tulang (bone marrow).
Pada tahun 2015 juga telah dimulai project Riset Sel Punca dari sumsum tulang yang dilakukan pada 3 subset yaitu: pasien pasca infark miokard STEMI, pasien PJK yang menjalani bedah pintas koroner , serta pasien dengan DM type 2 yang tak terkontrol dengan terapi konvensional. Manajemen RSJPD Harapan Kita sangat berkomitmen terhadap riset yang berpotensi mengembangkan pelayanan di RSJPD Harapan Kita. Saat ini sedang dikembangkan didalamnya suatu laboratorium riset molekular dan fasilitas stem cell berstandar internasional.
Adapun upaya yang terus dilakukan yaitu:
Terwujudnya layanan, pendidikan, dan penelitian yang ekselen dalam AHS (Academic Healt System). Dalam hal ini khususnya di bidang penelitian terindikasi dari jumlah riset translasional yang diaplikasikan.
Terwujudnya kerjasama nasional dan internasional pelayanan, pendidikan dan penelitian melalui tercapainya jumlah publikasi internasional.
Komite Etik Litbang
List Publikasi
Judul | Tahun | Peneliti Utama | Peneliti Pendamping | Tautan |
Clinical Characteristics, Echocardiographic Feature, and Predictor of Embolic Events in Infective Endocarditis; Left Ventricular Noncompaction (gambaran klinis tampilan ekokardiografi dan prediktor dari kejadian emboli pada endokarditis infektif) | 2012 | ,Teuku Istia Muda Perdan, Pramono Sigit, Danayu Sanni, Darmawan, Harmani Kalim, Eka Harmeiwati, Amiliana Mardiani, Ario Soeryo, Siska Suridanda, Ganesja M. Harimurti | ,Teuku Istia Muda Perdan, Pramono Sigit, Danayu Sanni, Darmawan, Harmani Kalim, Eka Harmeiwati, Amiliana Mardiani, Ario Soeryo, Siska Suridanda, Ganesja M. Harimurti | |
A novel method to enhance phenotype, epicardial functional substrates, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in Brugada syndrome. | 2017 | Chung FP | Raharjo SB, Lin YJ, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chao TF, Liao JN, Lin CY, Chang YT, Hung Y, Te A, Yamada S, Tasaka H, Wang CT, Chen SA. | Buka Tautan |
Characteristics of diurnal ventricular premature complex variation in right ventricular outflow tract arrhythmias after catheter ablation. | 2017 | Jhuo SJ | Lo LW, Chang SL, Lin YJ, Chung FP, Hu YF, Chao TF, Tuan TC, Liao JN, Lin CY, Chang YT, Lin CH, Walia R, Te AL, Yamada S, Raharjo SB, Tang WH, Lee KT, Lai WT, Chen SA. | Buka Tautan |
A novel noninvasive surface ECG analysis using interlead QRS dispersion in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. | 2017 | Hsieh WH | Lin CY, Te ALD, Lo MT, Wu CI, Chung FP1 Chang YC, Chang SL, Lin C, Lo LW, Hu YF, Liao JN, Chen YY, Jhuo SJ, Raharjo SB, Lin YJ, Chen SA | Buka Tautan |
Weekend Services at Hospital: A Case Study of the Cardiovascular Harapan Kita Hospital-Indonesia | 2017 | M. Noor Salim | Irfan Arief | Download |
Lowering inflammation level by lp-pla2 inhibitor (darapladib) in early atherosclerosis development: In vivo rat type 2 diabetes mellitus model | 2017 | Teuku Heriansyah | Wihastuti Titin Andri, Bambang Budi Siswanto, Anwar Santoso, Renan Sukmawan, Djanggan Sargowo, Imam Subekti, Aulanni’am, Nurjati Chairani Siregar, and Saptawati Bordosono | Buka Tautan |
Towards Robot-Assisted Echocardiographic Monitoring in Catheterization Laboratories : Usability-Centered Manipulator for Transesophageal Echocardiography | 2017 | Pahl C | Ebelt H, Sayahkaraji M, Supriyanto E, Soesanto A. | |
Oral Triiodothyronine for Infants and Children Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass. | 2017 | Eva Marwali | Boom CE, Budiwardhana N, Fakhri D, Roebiono PS, Santoso A, Sastroasmoro S, Slee A, Portman MA | Download |
Radial artery diameter does not correlate with body mass index: A duplex ultrasound analysis of 1706 patients undergoing trans-radial catheterization at three experienced radial centers. | 2017 | Surya Dharma | Kedev S, Patel T, Rao SV, Bertrand OF, Gilchrist IC. | Buka Tautan |
Early Exercise Program for Patients with Heart Failure after Hospital Discharge | 2017 | Basuni Radi | Anwar Santoso, Bambang B Siswanto, Muchtaruddin Mansyur, Nurhadi Ibrahim and Dede Kusmana | Download |
25 Years of Transradial Intervention | 2017 | Sunil V. Rao and Surya Dharma | - | Buka Tautan |
Associations between four types of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in PLA2G7 gene and clinical atherosclerosis: a meta-analysis | 2017 | Santoso A | Maulana R, Alzahra F, Maghfirah I, Putrinarita AD, Heriansyah T. | Download |
Guidance on home blood pressure monitoring: A statement of the HOPE Asia Network | 2018 | Kario K | Park S, Buranakitjaroen P, Chia YC, Chen CH, Divinagracia R, Hoshide S, Shin J, Siddique S, Sison J, Ann Soenarta, Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Turana Y, Wong L, Zhang Y, Wang JG. | Buka Tautan |
Rationale and design for the Asia BP@Home study on home blood pressure control status in 12 Asian countries and regions | 2018 | Kario K | Tomitani N, Buranakitjaroen P, Chen CH, Chia YC, Divinagracia R, Park S, Shin J, Siddique S, Sison J, Ann Soenarta, Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Turana Y, Wang JG, Wong L, Zhang Y, Wanthong S, Hoshide S, Kanegae H; HOPE Asia Network. | Buka Tautan |
Expert panel consensus recommendations for home blood pressure monitoring in Asia: the Hope Asia Network | 2018 | Park S | Uranakitjaroen P, Chen CH, Chia YC, Divinagracia R, Hoshide S, Shin J, Siddique S, Sison J, Ann Soenarta, Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Turana Y, Wang JG, Zhang Y, Kario K; HOPE Asia Network. | Buka Tautan |
Role of terminal warm blood cardioplegia in complex congenital heart surgery | 2018 | Pribadi W Busro | Romolo H, Sastroasmoro S, Rachmat J, Sadikin M, Anwar Santoso, Cindy E Boom, Suwarto S, Jusuf AA. | Buka Tautan |
Prevalence, clinical correlates, and outcomes of anaemia in multi-ethnic Asian patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction | 2018 | Goh VJ | Tromp J, Teng TK, Tay WT, Van Der Meer P, Ling LH, Bambang B Siswanto, Hung CL, Shimizu W, Zhang S, Narasimhan C, Yu CM, Park SW, Ngarmukos T, Liew HB, Reyes E, Yap J, MacDonald M, Richards MA, Anand I, Lam CSP | Buka Tautan |
Abdominal organ protection strategy for aortic arch aneurysm surgery | 2018 | Miyamoto S | Akahashi S, Okahara S, Takahashi H, Katayama K, Watanabe M, Maeda K, Go S, Morita S, Kurosaki T, Budi Herlambang, Sueda T | Buka Tautan |
Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy Improves Lower Limb Movement After Spinal Cord Ischemia in Rats | 2018 | Takahashi S | Nakagawa K, Tomiyasu M, Nakashima A, Katayama K, Imura T, Budi Herlambang, Okubo T, Arihiro K, Kawahara Y, Yuge L, Sueda T. | Buka Tautan |
Vasodilators and Radial Artery Occlusion, A Concept to Reduce Radial Artery Occlusion? | 2018 | Surya Dharma | Ian C. Gilchrist | Buka Tautan |
Expert opinion on the applicability of dyslipidemia guidelines in Asia and the Middle East | 2018 | Mostafa Alshamiri | Mahmood Mohammed Ali Ghanaim,Philip Barter, Kuan-Cheng Chang, Jian-Jun Li,Bien J Matawaran, Anwar Santoso, Sameh Shaheen, Ketut Suastika, Nuntakorn Thongtang, Ahmad KM Yusof | Buka Tautan |
Hospital outcomes in STEMI patients after the introduction of a regional STEMI network in the metropolitan area of a developing country | 2018 | Surya Dharma | Hananto Andriantoro, Iwan Dakota,Renan Sukmawan,Isman Firdaus,Siska Suridanda Danny,Dian Zamroni, Bambang Budi Siswanto,Sunil V. Rao | Buka Tautan |
The International Polycap Study-3 (TIPS-3): Design, baseline characteristics and challenges in conduct | 2018 | Joseph P | Pais P, Dans AL, Bosch J, Xavier D, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Yusoff K, , Anwar Santoso, Talukder S, Gamra H, Yeates K, Lopez PC, Tyrwhitt J, Gao P, Teo K, Yusuf S; TIPS-3 Investigators. | Buka Tautan |
SCN5A gene mutations and the risk of ventricular fibrillation and syncope in Brugada syndrome patients: A meta-analysis | 2018 | Sunu B Raharjo | Maulana R, Maghfirah I, Alzahra F, Putrinarita AD, Dicky A Hanafy, Yoga Yuniadi. | Buka Tautan |
Systemic ventricle morphology impact on ten-year survival after Fontan surgery | 2018 | Fauziah M | Oktavia Lilyasari, Lies Dina Liastuti, Budi Rahmat. | Buka Tautan |
Expert opinion on the applicability of dyslipidemia guidelines in Asia and the Middle East | 2018 | Alshamiri M | Ghanaim MMA, Barter P, Chang KC, Li JJ, Matawaran BJ, Anwar Santoso, Shaheen S, Suastika K, Thongtang N, Yusof AK. | Buka Tautan |
Home blood pressure control status in 2017-2018 for hypertension specialist centers in Asia: Results of the Asia BP@Home study | 2018 | Kario K | Tomitani N, Buranakitjaroen P, Chia YC, Park S, Chen CH, Divinagracia R, Shin J, Siddique S, Sison J, Ann Soenarta , Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Turana Y, Zhang Y, Nailes J, Wanthong S, Hoshide S, Matsushita N, Kanegae H, Wang JG; HOPE Asia Network. | Buka Tautan |
Two-year mortality of primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction during regular working hours versus off-hours | 2018 | Surya Dharma | Iwan Dakota, Renan Sukmawan , Hananto Andriantoro , Bambang B Siswanto, Rao SV. | Buka Tautan |
The predictors of post-procedural arm pain after transradial approach in 1706 patients underwent transradial catheterization | 2018 | Surya Dharma | Kedev S, Patel T, Gilchrist IC, Rao SV. | Buka Tautan |
Did Malnutrition Affect Post-Operative Somatic Growth in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Surgical Procedures for Congenital Heart Disease? | 2018 | Fitria L | Caesa P, Joe J, Eva M Marwali. | Buka Tautan |
Different Spasmolytic Regimens (Nitroglycerin vs Verapamil) and the Incidence of Radial Artery Occlusion After Transradial Catheterization | 2018 | Surya Dharma | Kedev S, Patel T, Rao SV, Gilchrist IC. | Buka Tautan |
Survey of multinational surgical management practices in tetralogy of Fallot. | 2018 | Hussain S | Al-Radi O, Yun TJ, Hua Z, Budi Rahmat, Rao S, Qi A, Fraser C, d'Udekem Y, Ibrahim Q, Copland I, Whitlock R, Van Arsdell G | Buka Tautan |
Morning surge in blood pressure and blood pressure variability in Asia: Evidence and statement from the HOPE Asia Network | 2018 | Sogunuru GP | Kario K, Shin J, Chen CH, Buranakitjaroen P, Chia YC, Divinagracia R, Nailes J, Park S, Siddique S, Sison J,Ann Soenarta, Tay JC, Turana Y, Zhang Y, Hoshide S, Wang JG | Buka Tautan |
Association between late gadolinium enhancement and global longitudinal strain in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. | 2018 | Amiliana M Soesanto | Desandri DR, Haykal TM, Manoefris Kasim | Buka Tautan |
Comparison between blood and non-blood cardioplegia in tetralogy of Fallot. | 2018 | Romolo H | Hernisa L, Diky Fakhri, Rachmat J, Dwi Mulia D,Budi Rahmat. | Buka Tautan |
High-sensitivity troponin I for cardiovascular risk stratification in the general asymptomatic population: Perspectives from Asia-Pacific | 2019 | Lam CSP | Castillo R, Ho DT, Kasliwal RR, Khurana R, Naik S, Omland T, Parsonage WA, Phrommintikul A, Daniel Tobing, Yiu KKH. | Buka Tautan |
Two Wire System and Modified Olive Tip to Facilitate Implantation of Fenestrated TEVAR in Patient with Proximal Descending Aortic Pathology: First Two Cases. | 2019 | Suko Adiarto | Kang SG,Ismosyo Sunu, Siddiq T, Hananto Andriantoro,Iwan Dakota , Uberoi R. | Buka Tautan |
Exercise Training Improved Longitudinal Intrinsic Left Ventricle Function in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction. | 2019 | Anwar Santoso | Purwowiyoto SL, Budhi Setianto Purwowiyoto,Amiliana Mardiani Soesanto. | Buka Tautan |
May Measurement Month 2017: an analysis of the blood pressure screening campaign results in Indonesia-South-East Asia and Australasia | 2019 | Bambang widyantoro | Situmorang TD, Turana Y, Barack R, Delliana J, Roesli RMA6, Erwinanto E, Hermiawaty E, Kuncoro AS, Sofiatin Y, Beaney T, Xia X, Poulter NR, Schlaich MP, Santoso A1; MMM Indonesia Investigators. | Buka Tautan |
Prescription patterns of anti-diabetic medications and clinical outcomes in Asian patients with heart failure and diabetes mellitus | 2019 | Chia YMF | Teng TK, Tay WT, Anand I, MacDonald MR, Yap J, Chandramouli C, Richards AM, Tromp J, Ouwerkerk W, Ling LH, Lam CSP ; ASIAN-HF Investigators. Siswanto BB | Buka Tautan |
Left atrial appendage closure device implantation guided with fluoroscopy only: Long-term results. | 2019 | Yoga Yuniadi | Hanafy DA, Raharjo SB, Yugo D. | Buka Tautan |
Biomarkers of Atrial Fibrillation: Which One Is a True Marker? | 2019 | Ardhianto P | Yoga Yuniadi | Buka Tautan |
Phospholipase A 2 is an inflammatory predictor in Cardiovascular Diseases: Is there any spacious room to prove the causation? | 2019 | Anwar Santoso | Heriansyah T, Rochman S | Buka Tautan |
Hypertension and Dementia: A comprehensive review from the HOPE Asia Network | 2019 | Turana Y | Tengkawan J, Chia YC, Hoshide S, Shin J, Chen CH, Buranakitjaroen P, Nailes J, Park S, Siddique S, Sison J, Ann Soenarta, Chin Tay J, Sogunuru GP, Zhang Y, Wang JG, Kario K. | Buka Tautan |
Renal Intra-Arterial Heparin Flushing for Blood Pressure Control in Refractory Hypertension: A New Method to Salvage the Unsalvageable Renal Artery Stenosis | 2019 | Bambang Putra | Jonny, Soewandi AH. | Buka Tautan |
Cox maze IV versus left atrial reduction for atrial contraction restoration | 2019 | Firmansyah DK | Amiliana M Soesanto, Dicky A Hanafy, Bono A. | Buka Tautan |
Association of Hyperglycemia and Final TIMI Flow with One-Year Mortality of Patients with Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary PCI | 2019 | Surya Dharma | Andi Mavira, Nur Haryono, Renan Sukmawan, Iwan Dakota, Bambang B. Siswanto, Sunil V.Rao | Buka Tautan |
Oral Triiodothyronine Supplementation Decreases Low Cardiac Output Syndrome After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery | 2019 | Eva M. Marwali | Putri Caesa, Sekarpramita Darmaputri, Alvin A., Sani, Poppy S. Roebiono, Dicky Fakhri, Mulyadi M. Djer, Zakiudin M. Munasir, Jose R. L. Batubara, Sudigdo Satroasmoro, Michael A. Portman, Nikolaus A. Haas | Buka Tautan |
A rare case of superior vena cava lipoma: its presentation from non-invasive examination | 2019 | Elen E | D'Angelo T, Amin Tjubandi, Sunu Budi Raharjo | Buka Tautan |
Survival analysis of patients with rheumatic MS after PBMV compared with MVS in a low-to-middle-income country | 2019 | Ade Median Ambari | Budhi Setianto ,Anwar Santoso ,Bambang Dwiputra, Basuni Radi, Amir Azis Alkatiri , Arianto Bono Adji, Susilowati E, Tulrahmi F, Cramer MJM, Doevendans PA | Buka Tautan |
Carina Bifurcation Angle and Side Branch Occlusion in Coronary Bifurcation Lesions Intervention: Angiographic Lesions Characteristic Role in Determining Its Relation | 2019 | Palinggi BP | Donny Firman | Buka Tautan |
Evidence-Based Case Report: The Use of D-Dimer Assay to Exclude Left Atrial Thrombus in Patient with Atrial Fibrillation >48 Hours | 2019 | Pranata R | Yonas E, Chintya V, Tondas AE, Sunu Budi Raharjo. | Buka Tautan |
Promoting patient utilization of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation: A joint International Council and Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation position statement | 2019 | Santiago de Araújo Pio C | Beckie TM, Varnfield M, Sarrafzadegan N, Babu AS, Baidya S, Buckley J, Chen SY, Gagliardi A, Heine M, Khiong JS, Mola A,Basuni Radi , Supervia , Trani MR, Abreu A, Sawdon JA, Moffatt PD, Grace SL | Buka Tautan |
Economic evaluation of sildenafil for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in Indonesia | 2019 | Okta Lilyasari | Subekti Y, Atika N, Dinarti LK, Putri S, Opitasari C, Anggraini AB, Bussabawalai T, Teerawattananon Y | Buka Tautan |
Electrocardiographic early repolarization is associated with future ventricular arrhythmia after acute myocardial infarction-Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2019 | Pranata R | Yonas E, Vania R, Sunu Budi Raharjo,Bambang Budi Siswanto,Budhi Setianto. | Buka Tautan |
Echocardiographic Parameters Correlated with Age in Isolated Severe Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis Patients in Indonesia | 2019 | Suastika LOS | Amiliana M Soesanto | Buka Tautan |
Cardiac Rehabilitation Availability and Density around the Globe | 2019 | Turk-Adawi K | Supervia M, Lopez-Jimenez F, Pesah E, Ding R, Britto RR, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Derman W, Abreu A, Babu AS, Santos CA, Jong SK, Cuenza L, Yeo TJ, Scantlebury D, Andersen K, Gonzalez G, Giga V, Vulic D, Vataman E, Cliff J, Kouidi E, Yagci I, Kim C, Benaim B, Estany ER, Fernandez R,Basuni Radi, Gaita D, Simon A, Chen SY, Roxburgh B, Martin JC, Maskhulia L, Burdiat G, Salmon R, Lomelí H, Sadeghi M, Sovova E, Hautala A, Tamuleviciute-Prasciene E, Ambrosetti M, Neubeck L, Asher E, Kemps H, Eysymontt Z, Farsky S, Hayward J, Prescott E, Dawkes S, Santibanez C, Zeballos C, Pavy B, Kiessling A, Sarrafzadegan N, Baer C, Thomas R, Hu D, Grace SL. | Buka Tautan |
Nature of Cardiac Rehabilitation Around the Globe | 2019 | Supervia M | Turk-Adawi K, Lopez-Jimenez F, Pesah E, Ding R, Britto RR, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Derman W, Abreu A, Babu AS, Santos CA, Jong SK, Cuenza L, Yeo TJ, Scantlebury D, Andersen K, Gonzalez G, Giga V, Vulic D, Vataman E, Cliff J, Kouidi E, Yagci I, Kim C, Benaim B, Estany ER, Fernandez R, Basuni Radi, Gaita D, Simon A, Chen SY, Roxburgh B, Martin JC, Maskhulia L, Burdiat G, Salmon R, Lomelí H, Sadeghi M, Sovova E, Hautala A, Tamuleviciute-Prasciene E, Ambrosetti M, Neubeck L, Asher E, Kemps H, Eysymontt Z, Farsky S, Hayward J, Prescott E, Dawkes S, Santibanez C, Zeballos C, Pavy B, Kiessling A, Sarrafzadegan N, Baer C, Thomas R, Hu D, Grace SL. | Buka Tautan |
Expert panel consensus recommendations for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Asia: The HOPE Asia Network | 2019 | Kario K | Shin J, Chen CH, Buranakitjaroen P, Chia YC, Divinagracia R, Nailes J, Hoshide S, Siddique S, Sison J, Ann Soenarta, Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Teo BW, Turana Y, Zhang Y, Park S, Van Minh H, Wang JG. | Buka Tautan |
Clinical significance of bendopnea in heart failure-Systematic review and meta-analysis | 2019 | Pranata R | Yonas E, Chintya V, Amir Alkatiri , Bambang Budi Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Diagnosing infection after infant open heart surgery: role of procalcitonin | 2019 | Dicky Fakhri | Eva M Marwali ,Novik Budiwardhana , Poppy S Roebiono ,Anna Ulfa Rahajoe , Caesario M | Buka Tautan |
Predictors of burnout in nurses working in inpatient rooms at a public hospital in Indonesia | 2019 | Yumi Yestiana | Kurniati T, Hidayat AAA | Buka Tautan |
Association of Diabetes Mellitus on Cardiac Remodeling, Quality of Life, and Clinical Outcomes in Heart Failure With Reduced and Preserved Ejection Fraction | 2019 | Jonathan Yap | Wan Ting Tay, MAppStat, Tiew-Hwa Katherine Teng. MPH. PhD, Inder Anand. MD. PhD, A. Mark Richards MD. PhD, Lieng Hsi Ling MBBS. MD, Michael R. MacDonald MBChB, Chanchal Chandramouli PhD, Jasper Tromp MD PhD,Bambang B. Siswanto MD. PhD, ASIAN-HF (Asian Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure) Registry;* Michael Zile MD PhD, John McMurray MB. ChB (Hons) MD, Carolyn S. P. Lam MBBS. PhD | Buka Tautan |
Current status of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Asian countries: A report from the HOPE Asia Network | 2019 | Shin J | Kario K, Chia YC, Turana Y, Chen CH, Buranakitjaroen P, Divinagracia R, Nailes J, Hoshide S, Siddique S, Sison J, Soenarta AA, Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Teo BW, Zhang YQ, Park S, Van Minh H, Kabutoya T, Verma N, Wang TD, Wang JG. | Buka Tautan |
Target blood pressure and control status in Asia | 2019 | Chia YC | Kario K, Turana Y, Nailes J, Tay JC, Siddique S, Park S, Shin J, Buranakitjaroen P, Chen CH, Divinagracia R, Hoshide S, Minh HV, Sison J, Soenarta AA, Sogunuru GP, Sukonthasarn A, Teo BW, Verma N, Zhang Y, Wang TD, Wang JG. | Buka Tautan |
The 3q25 rs2305619 Polymorphism Is Associated With Coronary Microvascular Obstruction Following Primary Angioplasty for Acute ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction | 2019 | Surya Dharma | Novita Sari,Andrew Parlautan, Renan Sukmawan, Shoma Wijaya, Elok Ekawati, Anwar Santoso | Buka Tautan |
Diversity of and initiatives for hypertension management in Asia-Why we need the HOPE Asia Network | 2019 | Kario K | Chia YC, Sukonthasarn A, Turana Y, Shin J, Chen CH, Buranakitjaroen P, Nailes J, Hoshide S, Siddique S, Sison J, Soenarta AA, Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Teo BW, Zhang YQ, Park S, Minh HV, Tomitani N, Kabutoya T, Verma N, Wang TD, Wang JG. | Buka Tautan |
Association of plasma pentraxin 3 concentration with angiographic and clinical outcomes in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary angioplasty | 2019 | Surya Dharma | Novita Sari, Anwar Santoso, Renan Sukmawan, Rao SV | Buka Tautan |
Is Anticoagulant Necessary in Patients with Coronary Artery Ectasia Presenting with Acute Coronary Syndrome? A Systematic Review of Case Reports | 2019 | Pranata R | Yonas E, Chintya V, Amir A Alkatiri | Buka Tautan |
Prognostic Value of Late GPrognostic Value of Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Postoperative Morbidity following Mitral Valve Surgery in Rheumatic Mitral Stenosisadolinium Enhancement in Postoperative Morbidity following Mitral Valve Surgery in Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis | 2019 | Putra TMH | Renan Sukmawan R, Elen E, Atmadikoesoemah CA, Desandri DR, Manoefris Kasim | Buka Tautan |
Fragmented QRS and QRS Duration As a Marker of Myocardial Reperfusion Measured by Myocardial Blush Grade in Reperfusion Therapy: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2019 | Pranata R | Yonas E, Chintya V, Amir A Alkatiri | Buka Tautan |
Remote ischemic preconditioning reduces the incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing coronary angiography/intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Alexander Edo Tondas, Rachel Vania, Mangiring P L Toruan, Antonia A Lukito, Bambang Budi Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Nicorandil reduces the incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing coronary angiography/intervention - Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials including GRADE qualification. | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Rachel Vania, Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Doni Firman, Antonia A Lukito. | Buka Tautan |
Balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty in neonates with critical pulmonary stenosis: Jugular or femoral. | 2020 | Erick Hoetama | Radityo Prakoso, Poppy Surwianti Roebiono, Indriwanto Sakidjan, Yovi Kurniawati, Sisca Natalia Siagian, Olfi Lelya, Anna Ulfah Rahajoe, Ganesja Moelia Harimurti, Oktavia Lilyasari | Buka Tautan |
Association between Adherence to Guideline-Recommended Preventive Medications and In-Hospital Mortality among Non-Reperfused ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Care Academic Center in a Developing Country | 2020 | Sylvi Irawati | Surya Dharma, Katja Taxis, Thang Nguyen, Nunung Nursyarofah, Bob Wilffert, and Eelko Hak | Buka Tautan |
Combined transepicardial and transseptal implantation of autologous CD 133+ bone marrow cells during bypass grafting improves cardiac function in patients with low ejection fraction. | 2020 | Triwisesa Soetisna, | Renan Sukmawan,Budhi Setianto, Mansyur M, Murni TW, Listiyaningsih E, Anwar Santoso . | Buka Tautan |
Antibiotic envelope is associated with reduction in cardiac implantable electronic devices infections especially for high-power device-Systematic review and meta-analysis. | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Alexander Edo Tondas, Rachel Vania, Yoga Yuniadi | Buka Tautan |
Serum Galectin-3 level and recurrence of atrial fibrillation post-ablation – Systematic review and meta-analysis. | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Emir Yonas Veresa Chintya Alexander EdoTondas, Sunu Budhi Raharjo | Buka Tautan |
Factors Affecting Mortality in Patients with Blood-Culture Negative Infective Endocarditis | 2020 | Lira Fitriana | Bambang Budi Siswanto, Emir Yonas, Radityo Prakoso, Raymond Pranata | Buka Tautan |
"Door-In to Door-Out" Delay in Patients with Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Transferred for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in a Metropolitan STEMI Network of a Developing Country | 2020 | Iwan Dakota | Surya Dharma, Hananto Andriantoro , Isman Firdaus, Siska Suridanda Danny, Dian Zamroni, Basuni Radi | Buka Tautan |
Comparison between radial versus femoral percutaneous coronary intervention access in Indonesian hospitals, 2017-2018: A prospective observational study of a national registry | 2020 | Amir Aziz Alkatiri | Doni Firman , Nur Haryono, Emir Yonas, Raymond Pranata, Ismir Fahri, I Made Junior Artha, Vireza Pratama, Wishnu Aditya Widodo, Nahar Taufiq, Abdu; Hakim Alkatiri, Sunanto Ng, Heru Sulastomo, Sunarya Soerianata | Buka Tautan |
A time-to-event analysis on air pollutants with the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 84 cohort studies | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Rachel Vania, Alexander EdoTondas, Budhi Setianto, Anwar Santoso | Buka Tautan |
Fragmented QRS is associated with intraventricular dyssynchrony and independently predicts nonresponse to cardiac resynchronization therapy-Systematic review and meta-analysis | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Yonas E, Rachel Vania, Alexander Edo Tondas, Yoga Yuniadi | Buka Tautan |
Effect of thrombus aspiration on microcirculatory resistance and ventricular function in patients with high thrombus burden | 2020 | Doni Firman | Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Taslim I, Wangi SB, Pranata R | Buka Tautan |
Differences in clinical characteristics and outcome of de novo heart failure compared to acutely decompensated chronic heart failure - systematic review and meta-analysis | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Yonas E, Rachel Vania, Yamin M, Chandra A, Bambang Budi Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Longer diagnosis-to-ablation time is associated with recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation-Systematic review and meta-analysis | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Chintya V, Sunu Budhi Raharjo, Yamin M, Yoga Yuniadi | Buka Tautan |
AH jump duration is associated with elimination of slow pathway during ablation of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia | 2020 | Sunu Budhi Raharjo | Benny TM Togatorop, Hananto Andriantoro, Dicky A Hanafy, Yoga Yuniadi | Buka Tautan |
Cardiac injury is associated with mortality and critically ill pneumonia in COVID-19: A meta-analysis | 2020 | Anwar Santoso | Pranata R, Wibowo A, Al-Farabi MJ, Huang I, Antariksa B | Buka Tautan |
Association of gender with clinical outcomes of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction presenting with acute heart failure | 2020 | Surya Dharma | Iwan Dakota, Andriantoro H, Firdaus I, Rahma S, Bambang Budi Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Gene Polymorphism as a Risk Factor for Hypertension in a Rural Population | 2020 | Candrasatria RM | Suko Adiarto, Renan Sukmawan | Buka Tautan |
Hypertension is associated with increased mortality and severity of disease in COVID-19 pneumonia: A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Lim MA, Huang I, Sunu Budhi Raharjo, Antonia A Lukito | Buka Tautan |
Effect of Nigella sativa Supplementation on Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Parameters: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials | 2020 | M. Ardiana, | B. S. Pikir, A. Santoso, H. O. Hermawan, M. J. Al-Farabi | Buka Tautan |
Viral Exanthem With "Spins and Needles Sensation" on Extremities of a COVID-19 Patient: A Self-Reported Case From an Indonesian Medical Frontliner | 2020 | Bayushi Eka Putra | Suko Adiarto , Santi Rahayu Dewayanti, Dafsah Arifa Juzar | Buka Tautan |
Direct vs Preimplantation Balloon Valvuloplasty in Transcatheter Aortic Valve replacement-Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials and Prospective-Matched Cohorts | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Rachel Vania, Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Doni Firman | Buka Tautan |
Elevated N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide Is Associated With Increased Mortality in Patients With COVID-19: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Ian Huang, Antonia Anna Lukito, Sunu Budhi Raharjo | Buka Tautan |
Myocardial Fluid Balance and Pathophysiology of Myocardial Edema in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting | 2020 | Rita Zahara | Anwar Santoso, Adhiala Z. Barano | Buka Tautan |
Potential role of telemedicine in solving ST-segment elevation dilemmas in remote areas during the COVID-19 pandemic | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Alexander Edo Tondas, Ian Huang, Michael Anthonius Lim, Bambang Budi Siswanto, Markus Meyer, Veselin Mitrovic | Buka Tautan |
The authors reply: Study selection for meta-analyses | 2020 | Anwar Santoso | - | Buka Tautan |
Double Antithrombotic Versus Triple Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Acute Coronary Syndrome | 2020 | Surya Dharma | - | Buka Tautan |
Efficacy and safety of renal denervation in addition to pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation and hypertension—Systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Rachel Vania, Sunu Budhi Raharjo | Buka Tautan |
The use of renin angiotensin system inhibitor on mortality in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A systematic review and meta-analysis | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Hikmat Permana, Ian Huang, Michael Anthonius Lim, Nanny Natalia M. Soetedjo, Rudi Supriyadi, Arto Yuwono Soeroto, Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Doni Firman, Antonia Anna Lukito | Buka Tautan |
Cardiovascular Protection Variables Based on Exercise Intensity in Stable Coronary Heart Disease Patients After Coronary Stenting: A Comparative Study | 2020 | Dyana Sarvasti | Isabella Lalenoh, Emanoel Oepangat, Budhi Setianto Purwowiyoto, Anwar Santoso, Rochmad Romdoni | Buka Tautan |
Out‑of‑hospital cardiac arrest prognosis during the COVID‑19 pandemic (CE-RESEARCH LETTER TO THE EDITOR) | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Michael Anthonius Lim,· Emir Yonas, · Bambang Budi Siswanto, Markus Meyer3 | Buka Tautan |
Effect of heart failure on the outcome of COVID-19 — A meta analysis and systematic review | 2020 | Emir Yonas | Emir Yonas, Idrus Alwi, Raymond Pranata, Ian Huang, Michael Anthonius Lim, Eddy Jose Gutierrez, Muhammad Yamin, Bambang Budi Siswanto, Salim S. Virani | Buka Tautan |
Body Mass Index and Outcome in Patients with COVID-19: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Michael Anthonius Lim, Emir Yonas, Rachel Vania, Antonia Anna Lukito, Bambang Budi Siswanto, Markus Meyere | Buka Tautan |
The effect of early dual antiplatelet timing on the microvascular resistance and ventricular function in primary percutaneous coronary intervention | 2020 | Doni Firman | Imammurahman Taslim, Surya Buana Wangi, Emir Yonas, Raymond Pranata, Amir Aziz Alkatiri | Buka Tautan |
Moving Towards Optimized Noncommunicable Disease Management in the ASEAN Region: Recommendations from a Review and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel | 2020 | Nina T Castillo-Carandang | Robert D Buenaventura, Yook-Chin Chia, Dung Do Van, Cheng Lee, Ngoc Long Duong, Chee H Ng, Yolanda R Robles, Anwar Santoso, Helen S Sigua, Apichard Sukonthasarn, Roger Tan, Eka Viora, Hazli Zakaria, Grace E Brizuela, Priyan Ratnasingham, Mathew Thomas, and Anurita Majumdar | Buka Tautan |
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs) Decrease the Progression of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rheumatic Heart Disease Through the Inhibition of IL-33/sST2 | 2020 | Ade M. Ambari | Budhi Setianto, Anwar Santoso, Basuni Radi, Bambang Dwiputra, Eliana Susilowati, Fadilla Tulrahmi, Pieter A. Doevendans, Maarten J. Cramer | Buka Tautan |
Incidence and impact of cardiac arrhythmias in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A systematic review and meta-analysis | 2020 | Raymond Pranata | Ian Huang, Sunu Budhi Raharjo | Buka Tautan |
Trends in reperfusion therapy for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in an academic percutaneous coronary intervention center in the metropolitan area of a developing country: insights from the Jakarta Acute Coronary Syndrome registry | 2020 | Surya Dharma | Iwan Dakota, Hananto Andriantoro, Isman Firdaus, Indra Gunawan Limadhy, Frans Van de Werf | Buka Tautan |
May Measurement Month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia | 2020 | Yuda Turana | Bambang Widyantoro, Tunggul D Situmorang, Juzi Delliana, Rully M A Roesli, Siska S Danny, Suhardjono, Yulia Sofiatin, Eka Hermiawaty, Ario S Kuncoro, Rossana Barack, Thomas Beaney, Anca Chis Ster, Neil R Poulter, Anwar Santosos2 | Buka Tautan |
Clinical Profile and Management of Rheumatic Heart Disease in Children and Young Adults at a Tertiary Cardiac Center in Indonesia | 2020 | Oktavia Lilyasari | Radityo Prakoso, Yovi Kurniawati, Poppy S. Roebiono, Anna Ulfah Rahajoe, Indriwanto Sakidjan, Ganesja M. Harimurti | Buka Tautan |
The Sixteenth International Conference on Endothelin (ET-16), Kobe, 2019 | 2020 | Bambang Widyantoro | Gusty Rizky Teguh Ryanto, Noriaki Emoto | Buka Tautan |
Echocardiography Screening for Latent Rheumatic Heart Disease: What Can We Do in Indonesia? | 2020 | Amiliana M. Soesanto | Luh Oliva Saraswati Suastika | Buka Tautan |
A successful management of late-presenting transposition with intact septum and severe coarctation of the aorta | 2020 | Pribadi Wiranda Busro | Alvin Ariyanto Sani, Michael Caesario | Buka Tautan |
Prehospital tele-electrocardiographic triage improves the management of acute coronary syndrome in rural populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis | 2020 | Gilbert Lazarus | H L Kirchner , Bambang B Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Association of microRNA-224-3p and microRNA-155-5p expressions with plasma long pentraxin 3 concentration and coronary microvascular obstruction following primary angioplasty for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction | 2020 | Surya Dharma | Iwan Dakota, Shoma Wijaya, Elok Ekawati, Renan Sukmawan & Bambang Budi Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Comparison of Real-Life Systems of Care for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction | 2020 | Surya Dharma | - | Buka Tautan |
Left atrial strain: a multi-modality, multi-vendor comparison study | 2021 | Faraz Pathan | Hafisyatul Aiza Zainal Abidin, Quang Ha Vo, Hui Zhou, Tommaso D'Angelo, Elen Elen, Kazuaki Negishi, Valentina O Puntmann, Thomas H Marwick, Eike Nagel | Buka Tautan |
Highlighting Exosomes' Function in Cardiovascular Diseases | 2021 | Sidhi Laksono | Budhi Setianto, Ananta Siddhi Prawara, Bambang Dwiputra | Buka Tautan |
A 48-Year-Old Man at Low Risk for SARS-CoV-2 Infection Who Underwent Planned Elective Triple-Vessel Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery at a National Heart Center in Indonesia Followed by a Fatal Case of COVID-19 | 2021 | Tri Wisesa Soetisna | Andhika Citra Buana, Edward Suryadi Tirta, Ardiyan Ardiyan, Dicky Aligheri, Bagus Herlambang, Amin Tjubandi, Dudy Arman Hanafy, Sugisman Sugisman | Buka Tautan |
Ventricular Septal Rupture Complicating an Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 2021 | Ines V. Tanto | Surya Dharma, Dafsah A. Juzar, Arinto A.H. Bono | Buka Tautan |
Clinical outcome of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers in treatment of hypertensive patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2021 | Andrea Laurentius | Brian Mendel, Radityo Prakoso | Buka Tautan |
Dyslipidemia Increases the Risk of Severe COVID-19: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Meta-regression | 2021 | Indriwanto Sakidjan Atmosudigdo, MD, PhD | Raymond Pranata, MD, Michael Anthonius Lim, MD MHSM, Joshua Henrina, MD, Emir Yonas, MD,d Rachel Vania, MD, Basuni Radi, MD PhD | Buka Tautan |
Characteristics and control of the 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome | 2021 | Jian-Feng Huang | Yan Li, Jinho Shin, Yook-Chin Chia, Apichard Sukonthasarn, Yuda Turana, Chen-Huan Chen, Hao-Min Cheng, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Jam Chin Tay, Tzung-Dau Wang, Kazuomi Kario, Ji-Guang Wang | Buka Tautan |
The Protective Effect of Vitamin E for Reducing Intra-Hospital Mortality in Acute Limb Ischemia Patients* | 2021 | Suci Indriani | Suko Adiarto, Hananto Andriantoro, Ismoyo Sunu, Taofan Siddiq, Iwan Dakota | Buka Tautan |
Increase in the risk of clopidogrel resistance and consequent TIMI flow impairment by DNA hypomethylation of CYP2C19 gene in STEMI patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) | 2021 | Renan Sukmawan | Erick Hoetama, Siska Suridanda Danny, Astuti Giantini, Erlin Listiyaningsih, Vidya Gilang Rejeki, Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Isman Firdaus | Buka Tautan |
Berry syndrome; a successful one-stage repair in neonate periods, evaluation result after 9 years, a case report | 2021 | Yopie Afriandi Habibie | Pribadi Wiranda Busro, Poppy S. Roebiono, Dicky Fakhri | Buka Tautan |
Clinical Characteristics of De Novo Heart Failure and Acute Decompensated Chronic Heart Failure: Are They Distinctive Phenotypes That Contribute to Different Outcomes? | 2021 | Wilson Matthew Raffaello | Joshua Henrina, Ian Huang ,Michael Anthonius Lim, Leonardo Paskah Suciadi, Bambang Budi Siswanto, and Raymond Pranata | Buka Tautan |
Cardiology trainees' attitudes towards clinical supervision: a scale development study | 2021 | Iswandy Janetputra Turu' Allo | Anwar Santoso, Ardi Findyartini | Buka Tautan |
Simple and Short-term Inspiration Training Accelerates Recovery from Residual Pulmonary Hypertension after Mitral Valve Surgery: A Randomized Control Trial* | 2021 | Basuni Radi | Bima Suryaatmaja, Ario Suryo Kuncoro, Amiliana M Soesanto | Buka Tautan |
Body mass index and outcome in patients with COVID-19: A dose–response meta-analysis | 2021 | R.Pranata | M.A.Lima E.Yonas, R.Vania, A.A.Lukito, B.B.Siswanto, M.Meyer | Buka Tautan |
Indonesian registry on atrial fibrillation (OneAF) | 2021 | Sunu Budhi Raharjo | Agung Fabian Chandranegara, Dicky Armein Hanafy, Muhammad Yamin, Hauda El Rasyid, Haryadi, Ardian Rizal, Pipin Ardhianto, Dony Yugo Hermanto, Yoga Yuniadi, on behalf of the OneAF Investigators | Buka Tautan |
The effect of external counterpulsation on intrinsic myocardial function evaluated by speckle tracking echocardiography in refractory angina patients: a randomized controlled trial | 2021 | Dexanda Pravian | Amiliana M Soesanto, Ade M Ambari, B R M Ario S Kuncoro, Bambang Dwiputra, Hary S Muliawan, Renan Sukmawan | Buka Tautan |
Regional differences in office and self- measured home heart rates in Asian hypertensive patients: AsiaBP@Home study | 2021 | Naoko Tomitani BSc | Satoshi Hoshide MD, PhD; Peera Buranakitjaroen MD, MSc, DPhil; Yook Chin Chia MBBS, FRCP; Sungha Park MD, PhD; Chen‐Huan Chen MD; Jennifer Nailes MD, MSPH; Jinho Shin MD, PhD; Saulat Siddique MBBS, MRCP, FRCP; Jorge Sison MD; Arieska Ann Soenarta MD; Guru Prasad Sogunuru MD, DM; Jam Chin Tay MBBS, FAMS; Yuda Turana MD, PhD; Yuqing Zhang MD, PhD; Sirisawat Wanthong MD; Noriko Matsushita BA; Ji‐Guang Wang MD, PhD; Kazuomi Kario MD, PhD | Buka Tautan |
Pulmonary Doppler Notch Pattern in Relation with Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index in Patients with Atrial Septal Defect* | 2021 | Nurnajmia Curie Proklamartina | Radityo Prakoso, Oktavia Lilyasari, Rina Ariani, Sisca Natalia Siagian, Amiliana Mardiani Soesanto | Buka Tautan |
Prevalence of plasma lipid disorders with an emphasis on LDL cholesterol in selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region | 2021 | Zhen-Vin Lee | Elmer Jasper Llanes , Renan Sukmawan , Nuntakorn Thongtang , Huynh Quang Tri Ho , Philip Barter , Cardiovascular RISk Prevention (CRISP) in Asia Network | Buka Tautan |
The Role of Angiotensin Antagonism in Coronary Plaque Regression: Insights from the Glagovian Model | 2021 | Abdul H Alkatiri | Dony Firman, Amir A Alkatiri, Paskalis I Suryajaya, Albert Sudharsono | Buka Tautan |
TCTAP C-014 Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Complicating ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Young Women: To Stent or Not To Stent | 2021 | Safir Sungkar | Safir Sungkar, Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Nanda Iryuza, Doni Firman | Buka Tautan |
TCTAP C-033 Rescuing Occluded Side Branch During CTO PCI: The Role of Jailed Balloon Technique | 2021 | Nanda Iryuza | Doni Firman, Amir Aziz Alkatiri | Buka Tautan |
TCTAP C-030 Left Main Coronary Spasm: Should We Stent? | 2021 | Marshel l Luntungan | Dafsah Arifa Juzar, Doni Firman, Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Daniel Parningotan Tobing, Fahmi Shahab | Buka Tautan |
TCTAP C-050 Left Main DK Crush Stenting in CHIP PCI | 2021 | A.A. Sg.Mas Meiswaryasti Putra | Arwin Saleh Mangkuanom, Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Doni Firman | Buka Tautan |
Visceral adiposity, subcutaneous adiposity, and severe coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19): Systematic review and meta-analysis | 2021 | Raymond Pranata | Michael Anthonius Lim, Ian Huanga, Emir Yonas, Joshua Henrina, Rachel Vania, Antonia Anna Lukito, Sally Aman Nasution, Idrus Alwi, Bambang Budi Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Potential role of telemedicine in solving ST-segment elevation dilemmas in remote areas during the COVID-19 pandemic | 2021 | Raymond Pranata MD | Alexander Edo Tondas MD, Ian Huang MD, Michael Anthonius Lim MD, Bambang Budi Siswanto MD,PhD, Markus Meyer MD,PhD, Veselin Mitrovic MD, PhDg | Buka Tautan |
Nursing consultation practice for psychosocial problems on heart failure patiens in hospital-based outpatient clinic | 2021 | Erwin ERWIN | Nurachmah ELLY ; Herawati TUTI | Buka Tautan |
The prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio across all stages of coronary artery disease | 2021 | Raksheeth Agarwal | Ruth G Aurora, Bambang B Siswanto, Hary S Muliawan | Buka Tautan |
Stents as Bridge to Arterial Switch Operation for D-Transposition of Great Arteries Late Presenter | 2021 | Novita Gemalasari Liman | Radityo Prakoso | Buka Tautan |
Effect of PCSK9 E670G and R46L Polymorphisms on Major Adverse Cardio-Cerebrovascular Events in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | 2021 | Anwar Santoso | Yulianto Yulianto, Hendra Simarmata, Abhirama Nofandra Putra, Erlin Listiyaningsih | Buka Tautan |
Performance of Primary Angioplasty for STEMI during the COVID-19 Outbreak | 2021 | Surya Dharma | Iwan Dakota, Isman Firdaus, Siska Suridanda Danny, Dian Zamroni, Ardi Yudha, Agus Susanto, Bambang Budi Siswanto | Buka Tautan |
Case series on stereotactic body radiation therapy in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy patients with recurrent ventricular tachycardia | 2021 | Dony Yugo | Li-Wei Lo, Yuan-Hung Wu, Fa-Po Chung, Yenn-Jiang Lin, Shih-Lin Chang, Yu-Feng Hu, Tze-Fan Chao, Jo-Nan Liao, Ting-Yung Chang, Chin-Yu Lin, Ta-Chuan Tuan, Ling Kuo, Cheng-I Wu, Chih-Min Liu, Shin-Huei Liu, Wen-Han Cheng, Isaiah C Lugtu, Ankit Jain, Shih-Ann Chen | Buka Tautan |
Current Status of Training and Certification for Congenital Heart Surgery Around the World: Proceedings of the Meetings of the Global Council on Education for Congenital Heart Surgery of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery | 2021 | Christo I Tchervenkov | Claudia Herbst, Jeffrey P Jacobs, Zohair Al-Halees, Frank Edwin, Joseph A Dearani, Kirsten Finucane, Nestor Sandoval, George E Sarris, Jose Fragata, Hafil B Abdulgani, Miguel Arboleda, Emile A Bacha, David J Barron, Pedro Becker, Drissi Boumzebra, Jorge Cervantes, Adel Elgamal, Morten H Helvind, Krishna S Iyer, Marcelo B Jatene, Tae-Gook Jun, James K Kirklin, Christian Kreutzer, Cheul Lee, Attilio A Lotto, Valdano Manuel, Bohdan Maruszewski, Hani Najm, David Overman, Budi Rahmat, Darshan Reddy, Kisaburo Sakamoto, Piya Samankatiwat, Sivakumar Sivalingam, James D St Louis, Giovanni Stellin, Elizabeth H Stephens, Justin T Tretter, Nguyen Ly Thinh Truong, James S Tweddell, Vladimiro Vida, Susan Vosloo, Hao Zhang, Bistra Zheleva, Richard A Jonas | Buka Tautan |
Pediatric Cardiothoracic CT Guideline Provided by the Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging Congenital Heart Disease Study Group: Part 2. Contemporary Clinical Applications | 2021 | Hyun Woo Goo | Suvipaporn Siripornpitak, Shyh Jye Chen, Oktavia Lilyasari, Yu Min Zhong, Haifa Abdul Latiff, Eriko Maeda, Young Jin Kim, I Chen Tsai, Dong Man Seo | Buka Tautan |
Effects of phosphodiesterase-1 inhibitor on pulmonary vein electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis | 2021 | Dony Yugo | Yao-Chang Chen, Yung-Kuo Lin, Chih Min Liu, Jen Hung Huang, Shih-Ann Chen, Yi-Jen Chen | Buka Tautan |
Transcatheter pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty of severe valvar pulmonary stenosis and atrial septal defect in patient with severe cyanosis and very low ventricle ejection fractions: a bailout procedure | 2021 | Sisca N Siagian | Nikolaus A Haas, Radityo Prakoso | Buka Tautan |
Corticosteroid Therapy in Management of Myocarditis Associated with COVID-19; a Systematic Review of Current Evidence | 2021 | William Kamarullah | Nurcahyani, Claudia Mary Josephine, Rachmatu Bill Multazam, Aqila Ghaezany Nawing, Surya Dharma | Buka Tautan |
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Indonesia: Current Status and Local Application of International Guidelines | 2021 | Lucia Kris Dinart | Dyah Wulan Anggrahini, Oktavia Lilyasari, Bambang Budi Siswanto, Anggoro Budi Hartopo | Buka Tautan |
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation adaptation protocol during COVID-19 pandemic achieved similar results as compared to non-pandemic usual practice: a single-center retrospective study | 2021 | AB Hartopo | ZH Islami, IA Arso, AM Ambari, B Dwiputra, and B Radi | Buka Tautan |